
Friday, June 29, 2012

Engineering a Friend

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thyme to Build a Nest

Yes, yes: I couldn't resist such a thyme-ly pun. There's nothing like good times telling bad thyme jokes. Indeed, it's been quite a long time since I last gave you all an update on my life. For the most part, I've been delinquent in my blogging duties due to a lack of internet caused by the most recent of turbulent points in my life. More on that in a bit.

I moved into my own apartment last month, which was super exciting...for the first day. After that, my lack of a bed to sleep on, chair to sit in, or skillet to cook with spoiled the joy that came w/ living in my own place. If nothing else, my back and hips throbbed w/ the dull pain of having slept on un-padded carpet for several days. (And to those of you who think I'm a wimp, I've endured worse. Basketball-court worse). So, two days after moving in, I went on the hunt for a mattress. Several hours after the hunt began, I bought one.

Let me tell you: mattresses can be expensive. The first place I looked was selling the things for as low as $1,500! My jaw nearly hit the floor when the salesman let slip that devastating bottom-line. I walked out those doors and never went back. Besides, I'm very satisfied w/ my not-overly-priced, super-comfy bed that I've got now. This is the first time I've ever had a queen bed to sleep in; there's so much room! I don't know what to do w/ myself; I feel lost in the thing.

This was the first big, permanent purchase I was to make on my own. Before now, the most expensive thing I'd bought was...a pot? Maybe a vacuum? It gives me pause to throw down large sums of money, much in the same way that having 300 babies might make you hesitate. It's a big commitment. So I called V and talked her through my experience as I walked through a furniture store and laid down, rolled around, and bounced on the dozens of mattresses lining their warehouse. I figured it might be entertaining - ever try narrating your experiences in bed? - but it was reassuring to have her on the other end of the line to discuss the decision.

But life hasn't been full of just mattress purchases.

Since I work as a software engineer, I've basically an umbilical cord to the interblag. Thus, setting up the internet at my apartment didn't rank too high on my list of todo's. Sure, it made getting a map difficult, and managing my finances grew tiresome the more often I realized how much of it I normally did at home. Once, desperate for internet, I parked outside the still-closed library one morning and siphoned off the internet of a nearby residence. I even stayed at work till 9:30p just to build my DnD character from start to finish - I started at 6p, and the lights turned off at 6:15p.

As time passed, I realized how petty and, this was getting, so I broke down, did the research, and purchased/installed my own internet. Did you know they would've charged me $150 to have some technician come out and plug the silly equipment in for me? There are 3 wires and one box that they all plug into. I don't think that's worth paying someone for. (At that rate, they're making upwards of $200/hour).

There've been other large purchases and changes that've been going on which've rocked my world and given the apartment a more "home" feel. (Mom was up this weekend and she really helped get the place in order). But there's more to this process than just buying stuff and filling an apartment.

Y'see, V's down south making nearly all of the decisions/purchases/crafts/etc for the wedding. The geographic schism separating us makes it difficult for me to have a direct roll in the planning of our wedding. Sure, I'm always part of the decision process. But that's a very...not-creative role. I need something to do, y'know?

Here, up in The Bay, I've made it my present-day-purpose to build a home for me and V. Not in the sense of decorating walls or putting plush covers on the toilet seat. But in providing a comfortable, safe place for V to come home to. When I'm done, I want her to feel that I've laid a good foundation for her to fill and enjoy. Think of it as building a stage on which she can "nest". As sappy as that sounds, I think it fits the bill pretty well. I've only ever heard of women nesting, but I think I'm capable of doing it in a sort of "I'm-providing" kind of way.

To that end, and in the IV tradition of hovel-naming, I've christened my dwelling "The Nest", complete w/ official network name "The Nest". All that's still needed to make it complete are some chairs.

You have been thusly updated, and my blog is again active.


Friday, June 1, 2012



  • Aerial Infuriates Octopus
  • Automatic Indecency Observer
  • Autocracy In Ontario
  • Armies Ingest Oranges
  • Awake, Indecisive, Obnoxious
  • Always Invite Optometrists
  • Alex' Iguana Obsession
  • And Ingenious, Obviously
  • Already In Office
  • Anxious? Inject Opium!
  • Aggression Incites Orangutans
  • Anger Invites Obesity
  • An Incongruous Observation


"I had to admit: with its bright 'AIO' motto, the drug company really made its product look good."

"'It was a great idea,' he noted. 'A-I-O,' he added smugly."

"The new AIO sent political tremors through DC."